The efficiency of different approaches to the prevention and control of Bovine pneumoenteritis


Kornieikov O. M.1ORCID,Prokhoriatova O. V.1,Kolchik O. V.1ORCID,Oleshko A. Yu.1,Borodai N. I.1,Al Jabari Munir2


1. National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”

2. Kharkiv State Zooveterinary Academy


The aim of the work was to study peculiarities of the course of infectious bovine pneumoenteritis and the efficiency of the introduction of different approaches to its control and prevention. Clinical-epizootological, serological and microbiological methods have been used in the work. To prevent viral pneumoenteritis, 83.4% of farms use vaccine against infectious bovine rhinotrachetis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza 3, and respiratory syncytial infection in form of combined preparation, 80% of which included live attenuated viral strains. Against the background of a high level of humoral immune response, animals were found to have viral antigens of bovine rhinotrachetis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza 3 and respiratory syncytial infection, regardless of whether they used specific prophylaxis or not. The only differences were in the clinical manifestation and incidence rate in animals. Prolonged use of specific prophylactic agents, which include live attenuated viral strains, in contrast to inactivated preparation, led to the aggravation of the epizootic situation on farms by bacterial infections. Based on the results of the conducted studies, the incidence rate of pneumoenteritis in animals on farms, where specific prophylactic agents are used, was found not to exceed 15%, the mortality rate due to these diseases was 6% whereas on farms where the specific prophylaxis was not introduced, these values were at the level of 50–80% and 25–40% respectively. Prolonged use of combined vaccines, which include live attenuated viral strains, against the background of the improvement of the epizootic situation on bovine rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea, parainfluenza 3 and respiratory syncytial infection, lead to the aggravation of the epizootic situation by bacterial infections. Use of preparation containing inactivated viral strains relevant to Ukraine can ensure sustainable well-being regarding bovine pneumoenteritis


Kharkiv Entomological Society

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2. Study of isolate of Infectious rynotracheitis virus identified in the acute course of the disease;Journal for Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Biosafety;2021-12-23

3. Some aspects of effective control of Bovine infectious rhinotracheitis in European countries;Veterinary Medicine: inter-departmental subject scientific collection;2021-11-08







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