Souza Giuliana,Bastos Luciano,Barbosa André
A NOTE ON THE TRANSPOSITION OF CHEMICAL TERMS ONTO THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. This note has the purpose of calling the attention of the chemist to some aspects of the process of translating chemical terms onto the Portuguese language. A quick inspection on the chemistry literature in Portuguese shows a certain number of inadequate or dubious translations of terms originally coined in other languages. Firstly, the possible origins of these inadequacies are briefly discussed. Then one proceeds to a cursory explanation of some fundamental concepts such as signs, words, meaning, real referents, scientific concept, and scientific term. These concepts are traced back to the origin of Western Civilization, being first systematized in the work of Aristotle, forming the backbone of all Western languages. A short discussion on the features of a well-done translation is presented. Finally, a set of ill-translated or dubiously translated or dubiously named chemical terms are used to illustrate the presented concepts, divided among the general type of inadequacy. In some cases, with justification, grammatically correct or more adequate terms are suggested to replace the offending translated chemical terms in portuguese.
Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica (SBQ)