Quality profile of QSU-farm pond irrigation system: Its suitability as irrigation waters


Liday Denson,Agapito Nobelyn


The quality of available water must be tested to check its suitability prior to its use. The physicochemical analysis of the QSU-farm pond water system has been done to assess its quality for irrigation needs. The quality analysis was made through the estimation of its temperature, pH, salinity, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity, alkalinity, chloride, hardness, iron, and sulfate as irrigation water criteria. The analytical data were processed and compared with the standard permissible limit set for irrigation waters. Regarding the suitability of the farm pond water system for irrigational purposes with the measured quality criteria, the farm pond waters were within the safe limits except for few parameters that did not meet the required irrigation standard limit criteria which need immediate attention. The quality profile results may be used as a basis for future management and strategic intervention.


Can Tho University


General Medicine

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