Phát Lê Văn,Thuận Trần Minh,Tỷ Trần Văn
Reference35 articles.
1. Almansa, E., Pérez, M. J., Cejas, J. R., Badı́a, P., Villamandos, J. E.,Lorenzo, A., 1999. Influence of broodstock gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) dietary fatty acids on egg quality and egg fatty acid composition throughout the spawning season. Aquaculture. 170 (3): 323-336.
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3. Cerda', J., Carrillo, M., Zanuy, S.,Ramos, J., 1994a. Effect of food ration on estrogen and vitellogenin plasma levels, fecundity and larval survival in captive sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax: preliminary observations. Aquatic Living Resources. 7: 255-256.
4. Cerda', J., Carrillo, M., Zanuy, S., Ramos, J., de la Higuera, M., 1994b. Influence of nutritional composition of diet on sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., reproductive performance and egg and larval quality. Aquaculture. 128: 345-361.
5. Ciereszko, A., Dabrowski, K., Lin, F., Liu, L., 1999. Protective role of ascorbic acid against damage to male sperm cells in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 56: 178-183.