Cross–cultural adaptation and approbation of the questionnaire "Stroke Self-efficacy Questionnaire" ("Self-efficacy after stroke").


Nazmetdinova Dilara Gamzatovna,Shamakov Viktor A


The article presents a step-by-step description of the procedure for cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire on the Russian sample. The goal is to adapt and test the Stroke Self-efficacy Questionnaire on stroke patients with an assessment of internal consistency and convergent validity. 77 patients of the Tomsk Regional Vascular Center filled out the Russian-language version of the "SSEQ" and the "Scale of general self-efficacy" (R. Schwarzer, M. Yerusalem, adapted by V.G. Romek) were studied. When filling out 13 scales of the questionnaire, patients assessed their abilities, capabilities, resources in performing everyday tasks after a stroke on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is absolutely not sure and 10 is absolutely sure. To assess convergent validity, post-stroke patients filled out a "Scale of general self-efficacy" consisting of 10 items, each of which has 4 degrees of consent of the respondent from "absolutely incorrect" to "absolutely true". The total values on the scale (from 10 to 40 points) reflect the overall indicator of subjective assessment of personal effectiveness. The article presents the psychometric characteristics of the test and descriptive statistics. The internal consistency of the test was determined by the Kronbach method. The coefficient is generally equal to 0.875. Adaptation and testing of the questionnaire "Self-efficacy after stroke" in many countries has shown good validity results. Cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire "Self-efficacy after stroke" was conducted in Russia for the first time. The advantages of using this questionnaire include the possibility of using it as an express technique in the work of a clinical psychologist within a multidisciplinary team to assess the motivational component of rehabilitation potential in the system of staged rehabilitation treatment.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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