The history of psychology in solving the problem of the development and organization of domestic psychology


Artemeva Olga Arkadjevna


The subject of the author's scientific analysis is the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern historical and psychological research of the development and organization of domestic psychological science. The article substantiates the role of the history of psychology in the development of psychological knowledge and practice, determining the place of psychology in the life of modern man and society. A brief description of its cognitive, reflexive, axiological, social, organizational-scientific, integrative and prognostic functions, the function of stimulating the progressive development of psychological science is given. Based on the views of V.A. Koltsova, the object and subject of the history of psychology are determined. As the main direction of the historical and psychological search, the author suggests a systematic interdisciplinary study of the personal, social, subject-logical and procedural aspects of psychological cognition. Presents the preliminary results of a comprehensive study of the organization of the work of the first research teams of Soviet psychologists, conducted under her leadership using methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of biographies of scientific supervisors and employees, data on their scientific activities and bibliographic analysis of lists of works. The author connects the possibilities of analyzing the activities of scientific collectives for the reconstruction of the history of Soviet psychology with the socialist orientation of scientific policy and the introduction of collective ways of organizing activities during this period. The data of the conducted historical and psychological research allow us to draw conclusions relevant to the organization of psychological science in modern Russia. In particular, about the importance of a supportive scientific policy, consideration by researchers of the social order in relation to psychology; practical orientation and continuity in the development of a research program, the dependence of the implementation of methodological guidelines of a leading scientist on the presence of a research team; about the importance of the availability of opportunities to realize the research potential of scientists in terms of teamwork, as well as organizational, mental, creative, pedagogical and moral and ethical abilities of the head of the research team.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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