The dynamics of emotional burnout and the level of neuropsychic maladjustment among camp counselors during 3 shifts.


Stupnikov Andrei Sergeevich


The purpose of this research is to study changes in indicators of emotional burnout and the level of neuropsychic maladaptation among counselors at children's camps at different stages of work. Carrying out a theoretical review, the author examines in detail the phenomenon of emotional burnout, analyzes foreign research on the problem of the formation of emotional burnout among counselors in the process of their work. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the level of neuropsychic maladjustment and emotional burnout increases during work as a counselor. In other words, the longer a counselor works, the higher his level of neuropsychic maladjustment and emotional burnout. The subject of the study is the change in the level (dynamics) of emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladaptation among counselors at children's camps. The object of the study is emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladjustment. In the process of working on the article, the following methods were used: the emotional burnout questionnaire by K. Maslach, S. Jackson (adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova), the Neuropsychic Adaptation Test by I.N. Gurvich. All employees were diagnosed three times (on every 10th day of their shift in the camp). As a result of the study, it was revealed that indicators of emotional burnout, in general, increase towards the last stage (shift in the camp), which is consistent with the results of some previous studies. In the group of counselors for whom the first stage of testing coincided with the first shift in life or the first shift after a long break, not only indicators of emotional burnout increase, but also the level of neuropsychic maladaptation (which does not happen in the general sample). In addition, counselors who were working for the first time at the time of the first stage of the study had significantly higher rates of emotional exhaustion and neuropsychic maladaptation than counselors who had been working for a long time. The novelty of the stated topic lies in the fact that this is the first study in the domestic scientific literature that examines changes in the levels of emotional burnout and neuropsychic maladaptation of counselors in a long-term perspective.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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