Diagnostic possibilities of using the "Method of color metaphors" by I.L. Solomin in the study of codependent behavior in women


Meshcheryakova Tat'yana Anatol'evna,Gamzina Elena Vladimirovna


The purpose of the study was to identify the possibility of using the "Method of color metaphors" by I.L. Solomin in the diagnosis of latent motivation of a codependent personality and the use of the data obtained to compile a program of psychocorrective measures. The article focuses on the basic and actual needs of a codependent personality, for predicting and correcting behavior and condition. We assume that the study of the basic needs of the surveyed women will allow us to determine the targets of correctional work and will allow us to develop a plan for psychological interaction with people who have a codependent personal profile. Working with codependency is an important aspect in the context of therapy and rehabilitation of a dependent personality. В  In this study, the following methods were used: questionnaire, Spann-Fischer's "Scale for measuring the level of codependency", adapted by V. D. Moskalenko; I. L. Solomin's Method of Color Metaphors. As a result of the research, data reflecting the profile of a codependent personality were obtained: basic needs, attitude to loved ones, attitude to oneself (the ratio of ideal and real images of "I"), attitude to the life process: present, past and future, etc. Also, the information obtained has practical significance, as they are guidelines for building a psychocorrective program, which is reflected in the final part of the article.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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