Industrial and scientific-technological integration of the EAEU member-states in the area of remote sensing of the Earth: legal and program framework


Shugurov Mark Vladimirovich


The subject of this research is the legal framework for scientific-technological and industrial cooperation of the EAEU member-states in the area of remote sensing of the Earth, reflected in the provisions of international agreements and acts of the Union bodies. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the legal nature of the EAEU transnational program for the creation of an integrated remote sensing system, characterized by the author as a promising organizational legal instrument for cooperation and integration. Special attention is given to the factors of its successful implementation. The research is conducted in the context of theoretical and practical aspects of strategic integration of the EAEU in the space sector. The novelty consists in substantiation of the fact that in the conditions of specific state of legal regulation of cooperation of the EAEU member-states in the space sector, the leading role in the mid-term perspective would be played by program control. In turn, it would contribute to the systematic development of general, as well as special legal framework for cooperation in the space sector. The author’s main contribution consists in pursuing correlation between the system of legal and program framework for cooperation in the area of remote sensing of the Earth and the legal model of EAEU, as well as the legal model of scientific-technological and industrial integration.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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