Threats to conservation of World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” and measures to reduce them (based on the results of the 44th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee)


Ditsevich Yaroslava Borisovna,Kolobov Roman Yur'evich


The subject of this research is the decisions adopted at the 44th session of the World Heritage Committee on the conservation of the World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” pertaining to such relevant questions as the construction of hydropower station on the Selenga River, as well as countering such phenomena as wild fires and illegal construction within the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory. The article provides characteristics to the content of documents approved at the recently held 44th session of the World Heritage Committee for the Conservation of the World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal”, within the framework of which the international community assess the actions of the Russian Federation on discharge of the obligations on conservation of the ecosystem of Lake Baikal. Analysis of the problems to be solved that are listed in documentation of the 44th session of committee, the author notes the potential of the world heritage protection mechanism in solution of the problem of constructing hydropower stations on the Selenga River. These include extension of the applicable scope of the “No-go” agreements to the sphere of financial and insurance services, consideration of positive experience of using such institution as the List of World Heritage in Danger, as well as interaction with the International Hydropower Association on elaboration of the universal approaches towards the problem of impact of hydropower stations upon the World Heritage Sites.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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