Digital space of the EAEU: current state and prospects


Yanik Andrey Aleksandrovich


This article is dedicated to the assessment of current state of “digital space” of the Eurasian integration and prospects for its development. Based on the parallel analysis of political legal sources, international and domestic statistics, various indexes, as well as relevant literature, the author aims to demonstrate the achievements and difficulties in implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union, and outline possible causes thereof. For solution of the research tasks, the author employs the results of monitoring of digital development processes of the EAEU, comparative approaches, as well as the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, hypotheses, etc. The conducted analysis demonstrates that despite the promotion of digital transformation on the domestic level by all EAEU member-states, the establishment of the single Eurasian digital space is slowing down. The conclusion is drawn on the disparity of political-legal (formal) and actual realities in promoting the project of the Eurasian digital integration. The comparison of relevant data of the Eurasian Economic Commission and Eurasian Development Bank and domestic statistics indicates that the GDP annual growth rate in the EAEU member-states due to the digital transition currently does not exceed 0.1%, which casts doubt on the possibility of achieving the key indicators established by the main vectors of implementation of digital agenda of the EAEU.  The author underlines the importance for consolidation of the “analogous” foundations of digital transformation, measures for boosting confidence, expansion of the number of stakeholders of the Eurasian project, and development of the mechanisms for interaction on all levels, including ordinary citizens, who are the major participants and beneficiaries of the digital transition.  


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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