The Potential of International Law for Regulating Tourist Relations at the World Heritage Site Lake Baikal


Kolobov Roman Yur'evich,Ditsevich Yaroslava Borisovna,Ganeva Ekaterina Olegovna,Borodin Lev Vladimirovich


The research subject in this article is the international and national practice of regulation and implementation of activities in the field of tourism in the Central Ecological zone of the Baikal Natural Territory. Based on the materials from the authorities as part of the analysis of the impact of tourism activities on the ecosystem of the "Lake Baikal" World Heritage site, conclusions are formulated about the possibility of deterioration of its ecological state and the emergence of social tension in the event of an increase in the number of tourists on its shores. The content of guidelines on the organization of tourism at UNESCO World Heritage sites is disclosed, and the most successful international practices of tourism management are correlated with the implementation of regional programs for the development and organization of sustainable tourism. The conclusion is formulated about the importance of collecting information about the tourist infrastructure and statistical data. The program documents defining the policy in the field of tourism in the Central ecological zone of the Baikal Natural Territory are analyzed, and the conclusion is made that there is no unified strategy for the development of Baikal as a World Heritage site. The factor of significant influence and participation of the local population in the implementation of tourist activities is noted, and the need for the involvement of the local population in the planning of tourist activities is indicated. The main content of the Global Initiative to Reduce Plastic Consumption in Tourism and recommendations for improving procurement activities in the tourism sector are revealed. The problem of compliance with moral and ethical requirements by stakeholders in tourism is noted as an underestimated problem. The study resulted in recommendations both on the modernization of the existing domestic regulatory framework and the development of new documents in the field of sustainable tourism.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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