The research subject of this article is the features and patterns of the use of an interdisciplinary approach to modern scientific research in the field of law. The relevance of this problem and the need to study the patterns of using an interdisciplinary approach in the field of law is because, on the one hand, it is becoming increasingly widespread in the legal sciences. On the other hand, the "inept" use of an interdisciplinary approach in the field of law can lead to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of scientific research in the legal sciences and lead to difficulties in assessing the significance of the obtained research results. The purpose of this work is to identify the patterns of using this approach based on the analysis of the features of the interdisciplinary approach in modern scientific research in the field of legal sciences and to propose ways to use it most effectively in modern scientific research in the field of jurisprudence. В В В В В The scientific novelty of the conducted research is as follows. During the analysis of the features and patterns of the use of an interdisciplinary approach in modern legal science, it was found that not all researchers understand the features (specifics) of the use of an interdisciplinary approach in legal research. The specificity of using an interdisciplinary approach in legal research is that an interdisciplinary approach allows us to identify common patterns of formation, development and functioning of state-legal phenomena as a variety of social phenomena. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of using an interdisciplinary approach in modern scientific research in the field of legal sciences, it is better to conduct research on the purely legal side of state-legal phenomena within the framework of a disciplinary approach and traditional legal methods, an interdisciplinary approach, in our opinion, should play the role of a kind of philosophical basis that does not allow the absolutization of knowledge and assumes the need for dialogue in in order to conduct scientific research more productively.
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