Constitutional rights and duties of youth: problems of implementation in Modern Russia


Dzodzikov Zelim Uruzmagovich


The subject of the research of this article is the analysis of the problems of the realization of the constitutional rights and duties of the younger generation in modern Russia. The object of the study is youth as a special social group. The author notes that young people play a key role in the development of any country, but face a number of barriers in the implementation of their constitutional legal status. The following groups of problems are considered. In the socio-economic sphere – difficulties with employment, obtaining housing, health protection. In the political and legal sphere, there is a low political activity of young people, obstacles to youth initiatives. Special attention is paid to the factors of legal nihilism and social passivity among young citizens. The paper emphasizes the complex of the problems under consideration. It is noted that the implementation of the constitutional status of youth in modern Russian conditions is becoming particularly relevant and of scientific and practical importance due to the reasons identified in the conclusions of this work. The conclusion is made about the need for a systematic youth policy that unites the efforts of authorities, civil society and the youth themselves. There is a significant probability of an increase in the risks of restrictions on the socio-economic rights of young people in the light of anti-Russian sanctions and a special military operation in Ukraine. The necessary task is to minimize the risks of destructive impact on the legal consciousness of young people, to improve education in order to strengthen patriotic education, legal culture.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


Management of Technology and Innovation

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