Customs monitoring experiment: administrative and legal characteristics


Agamagomedova Saniyat


The purpose of the work is an administrative and legal analysis of customs monitoring, an experiment on which has been launched since April 3, 2023. The subject of the study is the institute of customs monitoring, which has an administrative and legal nature and acts as a measure ensuring customs control. The author highlights the features of the regulatory regulation of customs monitoring, conducted a comparative legal analysis of customs monitoring with other types of monitoring, in particular with tax monitoring. The paper identifies the time and subject limits of customs monitoring, gives a description of its information support Formal legal and comparative legal methods, the method of system analysis and analysis of normative legal acts were used as research methods. The result of the work was the analysis of the regulatory framework of the Institute of customs monitoring, the characteristics of its evolution, the allocation of influence on the regulation of customs monitoring of legislation on state control (supervision), tax legislation. The characteristics of the information support of customs monitoring by the customs authorities and the participants of the experiment are given, the circle of participants and the period of the experiment are determined, as well as the frequency of collecting information for customs monitoring. A special contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the positioning of customs monitoring as a measure ensuring customs control and aimed at solving fiscal problems of the state. Noteworthy is the conclusion about the incompleteness of administrative and legal regulation of the institute of customs monitoring, the limitations of its use.


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