Cryptocurrency and blockchain: sphere of application in tax field of the Russian Federation


Tikhonova Anna Vital'evna


This article is dedicated to the question of taxation and tax management of a number of operation in digital environment, namely related to the use of cryptocurrency. Special attention is paid to blockchain technologies as a promising tool for improvement of tax management and automation of business processes. The relevance of this work on the one hand is substantiated by the increasing trade volume on the digital markets hand, while on the other – weak foundation, insufficient technical capabilities of tax management of such operations and univerdsally accepted approaches. The results of research can be used by the Ministry of Finances and Government of the Russian federation in development of strategies for improvement of tax policy. The author determines the global trends of recognition/non-recognition of cryptocurrency as a specific type of property, assets of payment method. A brief overview of foreign approaches towards tax regulation of cryptocurrency is presented. The author systematizes the Russian legislative framework on taxation of digital currency, describes the evolution of national approaches to fiscal regulation in this area. A formulation of modern interpretation of cryptocurrency as the object of taxation by different types of taxes (corporate tax, value-added tax, corporate property tax, personal property tax) is provided. The author determines the possibilities for development of tax management with the use of blockchain technologies, as well as forecasts main consequences of such transformations for businesses and the state.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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