Tax control over the computation and discharge of VAT in services rendered by foreign companies in electronic form on the territory of the Russian Federation: legal aspect


Eremkin Mikhail Aleksandrovich


This article is dedicated to the analysis of relevant problems of tax control in the e-commerce sector caused by digitalization and globalization of business. The author gives general characteristics to tax control as the key element of tax administration; examines the peculiarities of legal regulation of the value-added tax for services rendered by foreign companies in electronic form on the territory of the Russian Federation. Description is given to the amendments in the Russian legislation on taxes and fees related to the establishment of new rules of VAT taxation for electronic services provided by foreign suppliers, which have been enacted in the past five years. Attention is turned to such instrument of interaction of the Federal Tax Service of Russia with foreign companies as the “VAT office of a foreign Internet company”. Analysis is conducted on the major problems of tax control over the computation and discharge of VAT in rendering transboundary electronic services on the territory of the Russian Federation, which emerge also due to the gaps in legal regulation. The author outlines the vectors of improving tax control in this sphere. The conclusion is made on the need for amending the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, further expansion of the use of digital technologies in tax administration, and creation of infrastructure necessary for automated interaction with various institutions and tax authorities of other countries, development of international cooperation, and formation of tax culture.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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