The activity of German law enforcement authorities in resolving the problem of political stability: counterterrorism aspects (2013-2018)


Kornilova Ksenia Aleksandrovna


This article examines the counterterrorism policy of Germany during the third term of Angela Merkel, when the spread of terrorist threat in the territory of Germany has increased. The subject of this research is the activity of law enforcement authorities in development and implementation of German counterterrorism policy strategy, which include preemptive and prevention measures, forcible methods, and share of intelligence between the departments. The goal of this work consists in analysis and assessment of the achievements and failures of counterterrorism policy of Germany. Neorealism served as the key approach used in the course of this research. The conclusion is made that successfully consolidated activity of Merkel’s government and law enforcement authorities led to decrease in the number of terrorist attacks and strengthening of political stability in Germany. For indicating achievements and problematic aspects of German counterterrorism activity during the indicated period, the author translated from German the reports of law enforcement authorities on the instances of violence and prevented terrorist attacks, as well as mass media materials testifying to successful prevention of terrorist attacks. The acquired materials can be valuable in teaching corresponding disciplines and within the framework of scientific research.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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