Minilateral Alliances in the American Strategy of Containing the PRC in the Indo-Pacific Region


Gumbatov Nazim Farizovich,Kong Xiangyu


The subject of the study is the consideration of the minilateral formations in the framework of the implementation of US foreign policy. The object of the study is the US foreign policy towards China since the beginning of the 21st century. The author examines in detail such aspects as the interaction of the United States and its allies in the Asian region, within the framework of the formation of the anti-Chinese coalition association, as well as analyzing and drawing conclusions about the effectiveness of a number of large minilateral organizations. Particular attention is paid to the reactionary perception of the top leadership of the leadership and the public masses of China on the role of the United States in building minilateral formations in its foreign policy.     The main conclusions of the study are: • The minilateral unions only accelerate the process of dividing the Asian region into pro-Chinese and pro-American. Such a competitive policy to attract Asian states to their trade, economic and political space will only complicate the process of finding a compromise point of view between the two great economic powers, as well as damage peace, prosperity and stability in the region in the long term; • The growing popularity in the formation of minilateral structures is a consequence of the growing confrontation between China and the USA over the past decade, and not the primary cause of contradictions; • To date, most of the programs that have a "minilateral connotation" have little effective impact for the American government, nevertheless they cannot be called unfulfilled. Taking into account the relatively recent acceleration in attracting an increasing number of countries to existing and newly formed formats, Washington expects to get positive results for itself in the next decade, provided that China's economic and technological development is consolidated. The scientific novelty is determined primarily by the fact that the work analyzes the mechanism and evolution of interstate relations between the United States and partner countries, as well as the peculiarities of their activities in the minilateral associations.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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