Problems and prospects of electronic scientific publishing "The Tale of Bygone Years"


Andreycheva Marianna Yur'evna


The article discusses the problems of developing electronic scientific publications of sources and creating electronic standards based on them. As a sample for such a publication, M. Yu. Andreicheva suggests turning to the "Tale of Bygone Years" – a narrative monument that, on the one hand, can best demonstrate the features of a whole complex of sources (chronicles), and on the other hand, has been studied well enough to show using his example, a detailed study of the linguistic, source study and textual capabilities of the created electronic publishing model. In his work, the author introduces the image of a portal dedicated to the electronic edition of the initial chronicle. The basis of the publication should be the hypertext of the Tale, that is, a text that includes a system of internal hyperlinks that make it possible to visually represent its lists, translations and original handwritten form, its stratification in textological stems, as well as textual and semantic intersections with other monuments of the era being studied. The electronic scientific publication of "The Tale of Bygone Years" will appear in the form of an open semantic network, the content of which will be updated as the monument is further studied. In the future, an indexed electronic scientific journal may be created on its basis, in which works devoted to the study of PVL and the history of Ancient Rus' will be published. Ultimately, electronic scientific publishing around the world has become a full-fledged scientific platform that takes the study of chronicle text to a new research and technological level. After creating a working model, it can be tested on other types of sources. The result of work on the project may be the creation of a designer for electronic publications of various levels (scientific, popular science, etc.).


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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