Shemyakina Marina Sergeevna
The subject of the study is the relationships that arise in the process of ensuring fiscal security by public legal entities. Fiscal security is considered in the article from the perspective of its duality (budgetary security and tax security) in the context of the shadow sector, taking into account the risks of cartel collusion and concealment of part of the income and property from taxation. The nature of the formation of the shadow sector is explored, which is defined as a deep reserve that should be gradually mobilized into the budget system, while encouraging taxpayers to conscientiously fulfill their tax obligations, which will subsequently form a completely different level of tax culture. The article presents the author's logical model of leveling the shadow economy of public legal entities in order to ensure their fiscal security based on digital tools of public administration. The research is based on the following methods of scientific knowledge: comparison, analysis, synthesis of theoretical material. The author has developed an algorithm for comparing open Internet data with Federal Tax Service data in order to identify hidden income. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the development of the category “fiscal security”, the theoretical justification of the directions for its provision by public legal entities in the context of the “whitewashing” of the economy in the context of the use of digital tools of public administration.