Structural-hierarchical approach to the investment model of economic growth


Obolenskaya Lyudmila Vladislavna,Bekulova Suzanna Robertinovna


The subject of the research is the investment model of economic growth, which in today's Russia is given significant attention at the government level. In a number of scientific studies, investments are interpreted as a significant factor of economic security. In line with this topic, the goal is to form an investment growth model that combines national economic growth goals, investment objectives, growth-driving industries, conditions and regulatory influences into a single structure. The article uses methods and means of structural, economic, causal analysis and predictive statistical estimates. The novelty of the research consists in substantiating and developing an investment model of economic growth in the form of a hierarchical structure that includes five levels: target level, task level, industry, factor and regulatory levels. The possibilities of filling the levels are shown by the example of Russia, taking into account today's sanctions realities. Attention is focused on the manufacturing industry. When filling in the industry level, it is concluded that it is advisable to take into account the index of economic complexity as an additional criterion for identifying industries-locomotives of growth. When filling in the factor level of the model, the dual nature of anti-Russian sanctions is shown, which, along with negative factors, also generate certain business opportunities. When filling out the regulatory level, a number of financial and investment measures are allocated (subsidizing investment projects, state support for loans, tax incentives) that are in demand by Russian business under sanctions. In terms of the country's technological security, industries are cited where dependence on imported components is particularly critical. Priority financial and investment support should be directed to overcoming critical dependence. The results obtained can be useful for information and analytical support of industrial policy. The proposed approach to the investment model of growth will help to streamline the basic components of decision-making within a single structure, taking into account cause-and-effect relationships and sanctions realities.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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