Ecological Tourism as One of the Priority Directions of Ecological Investment: Assessment of Opportunities and Prospects for the Economic Security of the Region


Sausheva Oksana Sergeevna


The development of various areas of domestic tourism in Russia has become a natural consequence of the restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, in the context of maintaining and increasing the relevance of environmental restrictions on economic development, the growth of ecological (or sustainable) tourism, associated with the provision of tourism services and the development of the recreational sector, and at the same time helping to reduce the severity of the environmental problem, is of particular importance. Ecotourism, being a promising economic direction, contributes to the achievement of sustainable development. Of considerable scientific interest is the study of the prospects for the development of ecological tourism at the regional level. The subject of research in the article is the possibility of developing ecological tourism in the Republic of Mordovia. The article concluded that the functioning of the tourism industry, contributing to economic growth, has a serious negative impact on the environment. As a consequence, tourism policies need to be integrated with overall economic, environmental and energy policies in order to stimulate the transition to sustainable tourism development and minimize environmental pollution. Politicians are also guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, the achievement of which requires the use of tourism to eliminate poverty, hunger, ensure food security and improve the environment by reducing dependence on non-renewable energy sources. The ecological sphere of the Republic of Mordovia has a serious potential for the development of the tourism sector: the presence of specially protected natural areas, clean air and water bodies can attract a large number of tourists, but significant investment resources are needed in this area.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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