Ensuring economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population: theoretical-methodological aspect


Vasilyeva Elena Vitalyevna


This article is dedicated to the theoretical-methodological aspects of studying economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population. The author traces the evolution of interpretation of the concept of “economic security”. Analysis is conducted on the conceptual construct of studying economic security of the territory that has established in scientific literature. The polemical character of determination of the object of economic security of the territory is indicated. The author considers the nuances of using the concepts of “national interests” and “state interests”; examines the traditional triad “interests – threats – protection” of studying economic security in the conditions of aging of the population. The theory of economic security is augmented with the provisions of the neoclassical theory of human capital and theoretical models of generational economics that take into account the age structure of the population of the territory. In the conditions of aging of the population, the state interests in the economic sphere and the interests of the senior citizens are considered as the object of economic security. The model for the formation of the effective instrument of protecting state interests in the economic sphere and interests of the senior citizens from the threats caused by socioeconomic consequences of population aging is built from the perspective of the theory of economic security, theory of human capital, and theoretical models of generational economy. The author clarifies the concept of economic security of the territory in the conditions of aging of the population, which implies protection of the objects (state interests in the economic sphere and interests of the senior citizens) from threats caused by socioeconomic consequences of population aging.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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