This article substantiates the need for the development and application of the additional instruments for combating shadow economy in the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the measures for combating shadow economy, while the subject is the related punitive and preventive instruments. The research methodology employs the general scientific methods (scientific abstraction, unity of historical and logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and analogy); systemic and comprehensive approach; official statistical data, normative legal acts, works of the leading researchers dedicated to the problems of expansion of shadow economy, computer-based legal research systems Garant and ConsultantPlus. The study of the normative legal framework and scientific writings of the leading scholars, as well as the analysis of practical experience of the Russian Federation in combating shadow economy allowed making the following conclusions: the effective system of combating shadow economic processes should be built on all levels of governance: micro, meso and macro; at the same time, each of these levels should be able to apply both punitive and preventive instruments that encourage the actors to engage in legal activity. In recent years, Russia largely implements preventive methods for combating shadow economy. However, the rate of shadow economy in the country remains high (33% of GDP), which thwarts the economic development.
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