Ideological grounds of ensuring traffic safety


Kalyuzhny Yury Nikolaevich


The subject of this research is the legal norms and scientific sources that characterize the ideological grounds of ensuring traffic safety. The object of this research is the social relations that determine the framework for ensuring traffic safety. Examination of the normative legal acts and scientific literature, allows conducting a comprehensive analysis of ideological grounds of ensuring traffic safety. The author indicates certain scientific problems of legislative regulation of the sphere under review, and resumes that the presence of state ideology within the system of legal norms is inevitable. The conclusion is formulated that the ideological grounds of ensuring traffic safety are based on the system of views, ideas, and value orientations from the perspective of personal, social, and state levels. The author claims that the state uses law as the official ideology. The ideological grounds of ensuring traffic safety, associated with implementation of state policy in indicated field of research, represent legal forms of ensuring traffic safety, which contribute to the perception of law by personal and public legal awareness, which positively impacts legal mentality of the society, reducing the risk of traffic accidents and their negative consequences. The novelty of this work consists in the comprehensive analysis of theoretical legal and organizational aspects that characterize the ideological grounds of ensuring traffic safety, determine controversial issues in legislative regulation of the system of views, ideas, and value orientations for ensuring traffic safety from the perspective of personal, social, and state levels.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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