Macro-and microfinance indicators as the “markers” of borderline dangerous economic states of the territory


Samoilova Liudmila Konstantinovna


Leaning on the analysis of the provisions of economic science, which article assesses interrelation between the links of financial system of the country on the one hand, and the impact of the level of financial soundness of businesses and households upon financial security of public law entities on the other; as well as dependence of satisfaction of needs of the individual in public goods on the fullness of centralized monetary funds. Such dependence requires peculiar approach towards determination of financial self-sufficiency of micro-and macroeconomic agents; however, the majority of elaborations focus solely on the public finance, which become the reason for emergence of borderline state of regional economy upon the criterion of its protection from threats – conditionally secure or pseudo secure. In this regard, the goal of this article lies in development of the system of financial-economic indicators and their threshold values; its implementation is aimed at identification of negative trend – indicators of destructive processes in the national economy. The following methods were applied in the course of this research: general scientific – analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction for revealing the peculiarities of ensuring economic security of public law entities in the financial sector; specific scientific – statistical analysis for assessing financial-economic parameters of development of the territory; methods of qualitative assessment of the systems for differentiating the regions upon the criterion of security from financial threats. Considering mutual impact of public and private finance, the author develops the system of financial-economic indicators, the positive dynamics of which testifies to consolidation of financial self-sufficiency of economy of the territory; while negative dynamics in the medium and long-term period testifies to destabilization of certain vital processes of macro - and micro-subjects. Its peculiarity consists in combination of basic and additional coefficients that reflect financial situation of economic agents of various level and determination of their “thresholds”. Implementation of the author's approach in assessment of functionality of financial system of the country is aimed at identification of occurrence causes of borderline dangerous economic states of the territories.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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