Analysis of the risk factors of emergence of terrorism in Russia


Novikov Andrey Vadimovich


National terrorism is a complex issue, the cause for emergence of which lies in various factors and conditions that generate or are capable of generating it. The goal of this work consists in determining the key risk factors that contribute to emergence of terrorism based on expert polling of the members of academic community and law enforcement directly dealing with security of the Russian regions. The importance of this research is characterized by the fact that it allows assessing the main internal and external factors contributing to emergence and spread of national terrorism, causes thereof, and conditions that formed in Russia. The research is based on a social survey of experts in the area of security, containing questions on risk factors of terrorism. In the course of study, 72 causes for emergence of national terrorism were identified, which were later transformed into survey questions. The acquired results allowed establishing 18 main risk factors associated with the advent of terrorism. It was noted that the elimination of these risk factors will allow an overall reduction of the impact of less significant factors. The research results can be useful for countries and national regions experiencing high level of terrorist activity.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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