Evaluation of Current Trends in Food Security


Kormishkin Evgenii Danilovich,Sausheva Oksana Sergeevna


The authors of the article investigate the current state and new trends in ensuring food security of subjects at various levels: from global to household level based on the application of an approach that includes the study of production aspects, economic availability of food, various components of the problem of food consumption, as well as the preservation of the current situation in the medium and long term. Special attention is paid to new factors affecting the state of food security: the growth of living standards in developed and some developing countries leads to increased requirements for the quality and safety of food; the new "green agenda" transforms agro-food systems towards greater sustainability. In the course of the study, diagnostics of the current state of food security was performed, as a result of which a number of certain negative trends were identified, among which: a decrease in the economic availability of food for the population of the Russian Federation as a whole, and especially for such individual groups as large families living in rural areas, families with disabilities, as well as families consisting of from unemployed pensioners. There is also a problem with an incomplete system for assessing the quality of food, as a result of which goods are falsified, the level of trust in public authorities decreases, and negative consequences for people's lives and health arise.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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