Grain market and its role in ensuring Russia's national Security


Makhotina Irina Alekseevna,Agapkin Aleksandr Matveevich,Goncharenko Oksana Anatol'evna,Raikova Elena Yur'evna


The subject of the study is the grain market of Russia and the EAEU as one of the priorities in the field of national security. The problem of illegal export of grain crops from Russia to Kazakhstan is considered. The article analyzes the issue of re-export of grain to third countries, illegal grain exports and the impact of quotas and tariff restrictions on the development of grain supplies abroad. The issue of the possibility of administering grain export bans with a high length of the Russian border, as well as the impact of such bans on the EAEU member states, is discussed. Particular attention is paid to the issue of changing the structure of grain exports and the search for new export directions.    The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the issue of ensuring the country's food security in retrospect of interaction with the EAEU member states. The current statistical data on the availability of farmland and arable land per capita in the world and in the EAEU countries are presented, data on the structure of acreage and grain production in Russia and the EAEU over the past three years are summarized. Forecasts for the volume of grain production and exports in 2022 are presented. The article analyzes the trend of increasing quotas and tariff restrictions for exporters of agro-industrial products and the impact of these restrictions on the country's food security. The issue of searching for new importing countries of agricultural products from Russia in the context of increasing sanctions is being considered. The problems of the grain market, which have worsened due to the current geopolitical situation, and ways to solve these problems at the state level are identified. The question was raised about the need to change the ratio of the shares of processed products and raw materials in the export structure, in the direction of increasing the volume of grain products with added value, whose share in the current structure of grain exports is less than 30%. Recommendations for improving the transparency and stability of the grain market are proposed.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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