“Green” vector within the system of ensuring socioeconomic interests of macro- and micro-actors


Samoilova Liudmila Konstantinovna


This article is dedicated to examination of the “green” economy – the economic model with priorities similar to the goals of sustainable development; its postulates are of particular importance in the context of increasing negative anthropogenic impact upon the environment. The majority of scientific publications discuss the advantages of transitioning toward the “green” course, which are indisputable from the perspective of preservation and augmentation of natural potential of the territory; while the factors that impede the proliferation of eco-oriented behavior, consequences of implementation such transformations for macro- and micro-actors, and assessment of the existing eco-trends in public law entities do not receive due attention. Therefore, this article aims to determine the impact of “green” reforms upon the socioeconomic interests of macro- and micro-actors leaning on the results of analysis of the characteristic features of the process of greening of economic activity. In the course of research, the author establishes that the “green” vector of economic development entails not only positive changes for macro- and micro-actors, but negative as well, which discourages their eco-activity. At the same time, the assessment of environmental situation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation indicates the low eco-involvement of economic agents, which requires immediate implementation of environmental initiatives, although considering other public and private interests.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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