The object of the study is the economic development of Africa within the framework of Sino-African cooperation. The subject of the study is the development of special economic zones created by Chinese-African cooperation. The purpose of the work is to study the possibility of creating special economic zones within the framework of Sino-African cooperation as a promising model for the economic development of Africa. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the process of creating the Sino-Egyptian Suez Zone of trade and economic cooperation, as well as some problems existing in the functioning of the zone. Special attention is paid to the successful experience of the functioning of China's special economic zones, as well as to the analysis of the possibility of applying Chinese experience to special economic zones in Africa. In this work, the author used such methods as analysis, synthesis of information from documents, comparison, induction and deduction. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the work compares China's special economic zones with those in Africa and analyzes the applicability of China's experience on the African continent, which gives possible promising models for the future economic development of Africa. The main conclusion of the study is a framework model for the rational development of economic zones in Africa, which includes the following elements: the choice of a location with the advantages of location for economic zones; the integration of special economic zones into a broader national policy in the field of economy, industry and urbanization, in order to prevent the transformation of special economic zones into "economic enclaves"; persistent experiments of political and administrative reforms and rapid dissemination of the successful experience gained in the economic zones throughout the country; support for the continuous development of infrastructure construction covering the economic zones and nearby cities as a catalyst for the sustainable development of the economic zones.
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