Ion geochemistry of massive ice at Yamal Peninsula: Bovanenkovo, Erkutayakha and Mordyyakha


Vasil'chuk Yurij Kirillovich


The article aims to ascertain the qualitative and quantitative ion composition of three massive ices in the central and southern regions of Yamal: a) Bovanenkovo, situated on the shore of Lake Hanikoshito; b) in the upper reaches of the Mordyyakha River; and c) in the Erkutayakha River valley. We compared the results with the ionic composition of the known massive ice of the Yamal Peninsula (Bovanenkovo, Kharasavey, Marre-Sale, Neito, Yuribey, Sabetta) and adjacent territories (Gyda, Tanama, Ust-Port, Ledyanaya Gora) to identify the genetic similarity of the three studied massive ices, thereby establishing a more definitive nature. Samples from all three massive ices are ultra-fresh, with ion concentrations ranging from 20 to 40 mg/l. In the ionic composition of the Bovanenkovo massive ice, sodium cations noticeably predominate, reaching 38.95 mg/l in turbid ice and potassium cations up to 21.76 mg/l in highly bubbly transparent ice. Sodium cations noticeably predominate in the Mordyyakha River valley, reaching 68.51 mg/l in ice with soil and 6.1 mg/l in crystal ice. In the ionic composition of massive ice in the Erkutayakha River, approximately equal amounts of sodium cations are observed, reaching 3.64 mg/l. The average concentration of chlorine anions in the massive ice of the Erkutayakha River valley varies: in crystal and milky white ice, 0.76 mg/l; in gray ice of horizontal layers, 1.46 mg/l; and in vertically layered ice of the central stock, 1.48 mg/l. The ionic compositions found in the three thick massive ice lenses that were studied are most similar to those found in Holocene intrasedimental massive ice lenses near Sabetta village and infiltration-segregation thick ice lenses near Gyda village. This is the basis for the classification of the studied massive ice as intrasedimental massive ice.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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