To the problem of reduction of dispositional terms of scientific theory


Surovyagin Dmitriy Pavlovich


This article examines the problem of reduction of dispositional terms in the scientific theory. Dispositional terms are the predicated, expressing proclivity of the body for having a certain response in particular circumstances. The difference between dispositional predicated and other descriptive terms consists in the fact that for their identification it is essential to know an empirical factor that invokes manifestation of a dispositional trait. Since disposition cannot be observed directly, it requires carrying out an experiment to reveal the needed quality of a subject. It is established that for dispositional predicates, definition should be viewed as a particular case of reduction. Such conclusion is substantiated by the fact that the two-sided reduction sentence represents a special case of a reduction pair of sentences. In constant clarification of the meaning of dispositional term empirically, the set of reference using reduction sentences is more convenient, since it can be augmented with a new sentence that describes the additional verification conditions. Presence in the language of observation of dispositional predicates, which could not be determined in a usual way, and possibility of their reduction underline nonequivalence of the methodological operations of reduction and definition in the substantive scientific theories, which also represents an argument for further research of reduction in natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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