Mordas Ekaterina Sergeevna
The subject of the study is motherhood. The work is based on N.S. Rozov's model of the sphere of socio-historical existence. The biotechnosphere is about reproductive health and the possibility (not the possibility) of a woman becoming a mother. The psychosphere represents aspects of the mother's activity, motives and values, acceptance and rejection of motherhood, the choice of the form of motherhood. Culture and reproductive culture in the experience of motherhood is a direction that arouses interest and reflection (culture sphere). The problems of reproductive status and marital gender, reproductive behavior in the context of the problems of motherhood (sociosphere) remain open for research. Modern realities lead to the need to rethink the experience and understanding of motherhood at all levels of socio-historical existence. The main conclusions are: the biotechnosphere includes a woman's reproductive ability to become a mother, physical health, the ability to bear, give birth and raise a child. The psychosphere includes aspects of the mother's activity (motivational and activity sphere and subject interaction, motivation for the birth of a child), the mother's personality (satisfaction with motherhood and readiness for motherhood; mother-child relations, the problems of family relations. The role of a man in a woman's life and vice versa and the birth of a child is an area of possible research. And the question remains open for research – parenthood and gender in modern conditions. A model of the spheres of socio-historical existence of the phenomenon of motherhood is presented.