Landscape in space and landscape space (Anglo-American historiography)


Kibasova Galina Petrovna,Galkova Ol'ga Valentinovna


The subject of this research is analysis of the problem of interaction between cultural landscape and space in the Anglo-American literature. Special attention is given to examination of concepts that interpret space as encompassing both, physical and symbolic components, which create the concepts of space as the network of relations. Particular interest of researchers towards determination of interconnection between the communities, their habitats and weakening of these interconnection in the process of globalization. Analyzing the problem of the “sense of place”, the author refers to the concept of design of space. Characteristics is given to different positions on the question of correlation of landscape and space. The authors highlight actively developing phenomenological approach towards studying cultural landscape. Since the metaphor of palimpsest is crucial in disclosure of the essence of landscape, consideration of space as a multilayered phenomenon that incorporates past and current functions, ideologies and physical contexts as an intertext, is demonstrated. The conclusion is made that one of the most promising trends is the understanding of landscape space as relational, when the landscape is viewed as a product of practice, trajectory and interconnection. Relational representations on the constantly changing world to a significant extent are formed by the actor-network theory, the “theory of becoming” or “new vitalism”, and hybrid geography. The actor-network theory is intended for overcoming the perceptions of world as comprised of discrete and limited objects, and suggest seeing the world comprised of networks. Each object or person can be interpreted as the cumulative result of network relations, and the sense of individuality and will is merely a relational effect.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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