Gluzdov Dmitry Viktorovich
The subject of this study is a set of alleged contradictions in the development of artificial intelligence, pursued in order to achieve their overcoming. Philosophical anthropology contains the potential to analyze complex interactions, to articulate the problems that arise between artificial intelligence and humans. The philosophical and anthropological analysis of artificial intelligence is aimed at understanding this human phenomenon, human presence and its experience. The article is an attempt to identify and outline the trajectories for the possible resolution of the contradiction in the development of artificial intelligence, the analysis of the parameters proposed by philosophical anthropology to solve their problems in the modern socio-cultural situation. The relevance of the proposed problem arises in the fact that artificial intelligence qualitatively changes the existence of a person, and in philosophical anthropology there is a potential to outline the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence, while preserving the languid human in a person. To study this perspective is very important in society. The novelty of the topic raised in the article is the analysis of solving the problems of artificial intelligence from the standpoint of philosophical anthropology, in the articulation of contradictions in the development of artificial intelligence, in the search for solutions to overcome these contradictions. Philosophical anthropology provides tools for a balanced decision on the development of artificial intelligence, the degree of its impact on human existence.
General Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology
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