The object of the study is the design of tea gift packaging in China. The subject of the study is the problem of developing the design of tea gift packaging in modern Chinese design. During the consideration of the topic, such issues as the degree of study of the issues under consideration, the general situation in the field of developing such a packaging design at the present stage, the dynamics of the development of tea gift packaging design in connection with socio-cultural specifics, the latest approaches of Chinese specialists to determining the design features of tea gift packaging are traced. In addition, the analysis of a number of samples is given, which allow us to illustrate the innovative design solutions of Chinese specialists and identify the main specifics of the Chinese approach to the development of tea gift packaging. The influence of traditional national aesthetics is revealed. The techniques of Chinese designers are considered, thanks to which the design provides a semantic connection between the packaging and the contents, and also helps to display the artistic intent of the author. The study involves the systematization of available information on the theory and history of packaging design, including gift packaging, of tea in China. The work uses traditional methods of art criticism and historiographical analysis, as well as socio-cultural and functional analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that for the first time a complex of issues related to the problem of developing the design of tea gift packaging in modern Chinese design is being studied. Individual samples of modern Chinese tea gift packaging design are being introduced into scientific circulation. The author's main contribution to the research of the topic is to identify the main specifics of the Chinese approach to the development of tea gift packaging, as well as a number of innovations developed by Chinese designers. The main conclusions of the study: the design of gift packaging in modern Chinese design is positioned as the main means of expressing an artistic idea, as a "canvas" on which the designer creates an author's work of art. The artistic idea – not the product itself, but its artistic interpretation – entirely determines the concept, functionality, and design features of the packaging. To implement it, designers often neglect the global trend towards environmental friendliness, as well as reducing the use of excess packaging. The approach of Chinese designers in this sense demonstrates a fundamental difference from foreign practice.
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