On some the trends in the development of the prosecutor's supervision of the procedural activities of the bodies of inquiry


Danilenko Irina Anatol'evna,Tabolina Kseniia Andreevna


The article is devoted to some aspects of the prosecutor's supervision of the procedural activities of the bodies of inquiry, including the problematic aspects of determining the legal status of the body of inquiry as a participant in criminal proceedings. The authors note that despite a number of changes in Russian legislation, a considerable number of issues concerning the procedural position of the body of inquiry in the criminal process of Russia still remain unresolved. The prosecutor has always had a wide range of powers in relation to the inquirer's proceedings, however, the reform of pre-trial proceedings in 2007 not only narrowed the prosecutor's powers during the preliminary investigation, but also created additional conditions for a possible reduction in the prosecutor's powers in the field of procedural management of the inquiry. In this regard, the paper examines the question of the validity of granting the prosecutor a significant amount of powers in relation to the bodies of inquiry. The methodological basis of the article is the general scientific dialectical method of cognition, as well as the complex application of such methods as analysis, historical, formal-logical, system-structural and statistical. The conducted research allowed us to formulate conclusions according to which the modern development of the prosecutor's supervision of the procedural activities of the bodies of inquiry should be associated not so much with amendments to the criminal procedure legislation limiting the scope of the prosecutor's powers, but rather with increasing the effectiveness of the prosecutor's activities in the context of digitalization. It is argued that the wide range of powers available to the prosecutor in relation to the bodies of inquiry is seen as traditional, expedient and justified.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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