Labor is free or freedom of labor? Russia and international law


Eseva Elena Yur'evna


This article explores the problem of exercising the constitutional guarantee of the freedom of labor. Analysis is conducted on the current Russian legislation in comparison with the legislation of the Soviet period in the area of regulation of questions of the freedom of labor. Functionality of the institution of the freedom of labor is viewed on the practice of Russian reality and its compliance with the norms of international law. The questions of the freedom of labor are also examined in a number of foreign countries. The author reveals the flaws in the Russian legal framework on the subject matter, and makes recommendations for amending the current legislation. Research methodology leans on the comparative-legal method, as well as such general scientific methods as historical, linguistic and others. The scientific novelty of this article is defined by the absence within the domestic legal science of comprehensive legal research of the entirety of problems related to constitutional guarantee of the freedom of labor. An attempt is made to carry out a comparative study of the international normative regulation of relations in the area of the freedom of work with the norms established in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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