Developing the Methodology for the Effective Placement of Security and Fire Alarm Systems


Sharipov Rifat Rashatovich,Yusupov Bulat Zufarovich,Martynov Artur Mikhailovich,Zaripova Rimma Soltanovna


The article focuses on security and fire alarm systems (SFAS) as means of ensuring the safety of facilities, viewing them as integrated complexes for promptly detecting potential threats. The main emphasis is on detectors, including their classification and role within the system. The article examines various configurations of SFAS and ways of connecting and processing signals from detectors, allowing for an evaluation of how these factors affect the system's effectiveness. The lifecycle of SFAS is described, highlighting the importance of each stage from design to operation. The article provides an overview of regulatory documents, emphasizing the importance of compliance with standards and requirements when implementing SFAS. Recommended for security professionals and individuals interested in delving into this topic. Additionally, the article addresses issues related to the placement of SFAS and their impact on system effectiveness. It analyzes vulnerabilities arising from irrational placement of components and presents a methodology for optimizing placement to enhance security. The methodology is described step by step, considering input and output processes at each stage. The authors conduct practical testing of the methodology in an educational laboratory with an installed SFAS, identifying placement errors and formulating recommendations for correction. The article is beneficial for professionals in the design and installation of SFAS, as well as for those seeking to improve the level of protection of facilities, accentuating the critical importance of proper component placement.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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