The dynamics of sanitary and epidemiological situation in Kemerovo Region during the 1946 – 1950s


Borovikova Zlata Vladimirovna


The subject of this research is the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Kemerovo Region during the 1946 – 1950s. The article describes the dynamics and peculiarities of sanitary state and epidemiological situation in the initial postwar years in one of the most industrialized and urbanized regions of the Soviet Union. Analysis is conducted on the factors of the severe epidemiological situation that formed in Kuzbass after the end of the Great Patriotic War. The impact of sanitary state of cities upon population health is indicated. The research is based on the concept of demographic transition; one of its implications was the modernization of mortality. Accelerated industrialization in Kuzbass predetermined the rapid growth of urban population and stagnation of the entire social and general-purpose infrastructure, which led deterioration of sanitary situation, spread of infectious diseases, and increase of mortality rate in the region during the late 1940s. The development of housing and utility sector, and improvement of the population welfare in late 1950s contributed to stabilization of sanitary and epidemiological situation in Kuzbass. However, intensive industrial development in the region significantly worsened the ecological situation, which resulted in the increase of malignant tumors among the population. Throughout the entire period under review, the unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation led to not only excess incidence and mortality, but also the outflow of local population to other regions, as well as low adaptability of the migrants.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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