Modern Crimean Tatar national costume: succession and novelties (based on the example of Crimean dress designers)


Grigoreva Marina Borisovna,Akchurina-Muftieva Nuriya Munirovna


This article analyzes the modern Crimean Tatar costume from the perspective of succession of the traditional elements. The author systematizes general approaches towards design of the traditional and modern costume, indicating the characteristic features. At the present stage, the elements of the traditional Crimean Tatar costume are growing in popularity. Interpretation and modern stylization of the traditional elements of national costume leads to the formation of the unique style. The leading phenomenon in the approach towards design of the modern national costume is the scientific basis, which helps to preserve the traditional elements. The object of this research is the modern Crimean Tatar costume, while the subject is decorative and graphic approaches towards design. The primary task consists in determination of the principles of creation of Crimean Tatar image and its implementation into Crimean modern culture. The novelty of this research is defined by insufficient examination of the modern Crimean Tatar costume on the scientific level, although actively implemented into modern youth culture. The creative direction in the works of modern Crimean Tatar designers is divided into three approaches: verbatim reproduction of ethnic costume (mostly used wedding gear and theater costumes), authorial interpretation, and avant-garde approach, using metaphors as the basics of style. It is noted that in the approach with allusive metaphors it enough to complement modern costume with headwear similar to the traditional to add national flavor to the image. The author underlines the importance of development of modern Crimean fashion in all three directions, as each approach has a particular function.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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