Omsk architectural environment of the Developed Socialism era


Gorelova Yuliya Robertovna


This article examines the trends characterizing the development of Omsk architectural environment of the 1960’s – 1980’s. The unfolded transformations are views in relation to the historical-cultural context and historical-architectural process. The author analyzes the nationwide trends, as well as the regional specificity. The peculiarity of this research consists in drawing parallels between the architectural-artistic and historical-cultural processes. Attention is given to such questions as the shift in stylistic trends, residential construction, and erection of significant objects of public designation. Alongside studying the special scientific literature and sources, the author attracts the materials of city dwellers’ reminiscences that contain the information of reflective character for understanding their perception of ongoing changes within the urban environment. The acquired results allow characterizing the development of architectural environment of a large Siberian city (Omsk) during the Developed Socialism period (1960’s – 1980’s) in correlation with the historical-cultural and architectural-artistic contexts. The presented materials may be used in city planning decisions and development of conceptual framework of the regional cultural policy. The article is relevant for the specialists in the history of architecture and construction, as well as broad audience interested in history and cultures of their region.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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