The role of regional culture in the urban landscape of the embankment


Yue zixuan


As an important aspect of urban development, urban waterfront landscapes not only serve as significant reflections of the urban image, but are also key factors in attracting tourists and stimulating the development of the tourism industry. As the exclusive cultural resources of the city, regional culture plays an important role in the design of urban coastal landscapes. This article examines the integration of regional culture and the design of urban embankment landscapes and presents several aspects that require careful attention in the design process. Specifically, designers should study local regional cultural elements in detail and introduce them into the urban waterfront landscape so that people can appreciate the uniqueness and significance of local culture. In addition, in the design, it is necessary to carefully consider the scale, amenities and related services of the city in order to create a comfortable, unique and multicultural urban waterfront landscape. This article also offers recommendations for overcoming limitations and future research, as well as discusses market prospects and the commercial value of this design and operational model of urban embankment landscapes, primarily satisfying the spiritual and cultural needs of people.    In this paper, proposals and measures are proposed to integrate regional culture into the landscape design of urban embankments in order to create more distinctive, comfortable and pleasant to perceive landscapes of urban embankments. Thanks to the rational use of local culture in combination with the needs of tourists and local residents, it is possible to satisfy various cultural features and needs by creating a landscape design of the city embankment, rich in diverse cultural impressions. In the future, such landscape design and the mode of operation of city embankments, aimed mainly at meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of people, has great prospects for development.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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