Art and aesthetic structures of metaphysics of color


Kormin Nikolai Aleksandrovich


This article analyzes the aesthetics of color as a branch of metaphysics of light and entire photonic zone, which from phenomenological perspective can be viewed as the source of intentional radiations in various bands. It is demonstrated that the image of light is the result of work of aesthetic and artistic consciousness that pan the world and place of a human therein; at the same time, it is important to underline the set-up of meaning with all its predicates in the a posteriori score of color perception itself. Special attention is given to examination of the phenomenology of color. Metaphysically, it represents an even, when the color reflect itself in the value and acquires a prospect. Structuring of modern phenomenological attitude to reality leads to the emergence of new opportunities for the experience of working with color, reconsideration of beauty of coloristic data. According to Husserl, color originated by fantasy, can be an act of life within aesthetic consciousness. Despite the rich research material on the topic, these is still no special research that would demonstrate the artistic shift of boundaries of the color image in relation to metaphysical axes of reference (which becomes a leitmotif for metaphysical painting Giorgio de Chirico), as well as possibility of existence of cross-platform toolset that works on several instrumental systems of aesthetic consciousness and allows conducting the analysis of aesthetic methods of examination of the color itself. This article helps to fulfill such gap.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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