Consistency as a property of visual identification of the exhibition


Sonina Olga Eduardovna,Vilchinskaya-Butenko Marina Eduardovna


The article presents the results of a systematic analysis of the visual identification of exhibition projects and identifies the specifics of designing an exhibition identity, which is an important means of communication that attracts visitors. Within the framework of this article, the authors set the task of generalizing the experience of identifying exhibition projects and identifying the specifics of designing an exhibition identity.The subject of the study is the identity of modern exhibition projects in Russia, Germany, Finland, Australia and China, in which all elements, from the logo, printing products, website to the design of the expositions space are interconnected and represent a single complex. The projects created in large museums with a recognizable brand and established reputation among visitors are analyzed, as well as small exhibition projects, the organizers of which can spend minimal funds on implementation. Based on the Finnish experience of designing museum identity, modern approaches to the creation of exhibition projects of various orientations are systematized, in which the exposition and media about it are designed as a single system in which shaping, typography and visual metaphors form a single imaginative solution, expanding the possibilities of advertising media about the exhibition project and using new channels of information transmission. The conclusion is made about the specifics of the exhibition identity and the factors determining it: the specificity of the exhibition as a special event determines an integrated approach to the development of identity to ensure the synergistic interaction of elements of the visual identification system.


Aurora Group, s.r.o


General Medicine

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