Laritskaia Maria Germanovna
This article reviews the instruments and distinctive features that allow conducting creative activity within the game “Minecraft”, which implies modification of world and its rules, as well as the game project at the choice of the gamer. The author also examines the application of this game in educational sphere, including higher educational institutions. The subject of this research is the game “Minecraft”, or rather its peculiarities viewed from the perspective of aesthetics, mechanics and instruments for carrying out creative and educational activity. The author draws parallels between this and other game projects that have similar mechanics with Minecraft for determining the common properties and characteristics for carrying out the designated activities. The novelty consists in assessment of the value of games as a versatile topic for domestic research, as well as in demonstration of their successful application for educational purposes. The relevance is defined by fact that the topic of studying video games in Russia is in the infancy of its dynamic development, and the problem of distance education is especially acute due to COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion is made that the universal neutral minimalistic style of Minecraft, alongside other features of this project, is a powerful instrument for the fulfillment of creative and educational projects.
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