Pleskachevskaya Angelina Petrovna
The subject of the study is the phenomenon of public sculpture. This topic is very relevant, as public sculpture causes extensive controversy, which involves sculptors, architects, urbanists, representatives of public organizations. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the place of public sculpture in the contours of the artistic and associative landscape of a modern city. The research methodology includes historical, cultural and cross-cultural analysis, a dialectical approach to assessing the trajectories of the aesthetics of public sculpture, as well as a conceptual analysis of the phenomenon of public sculpture in modern public, including urban, spaces. As a result of the research, the historical genesis of the phenomenon of public sculpture was presented, the place of public sculpture in the postmodern paradigm was characterized, attention was paid to the problems of low performance quality, inappropriate installation sites in public urban space and the creation of visual noise. Refined scientific definitions of the concepts of social and public sculpture are proposed. I'd like to emphasize the importance of researching and defining the concepts of public and urban sculpture, as well as the need to develop methodological approaches for the management and evaluation of public sculpture. This article proposes an adaptation of the concept of an artistic and associative city landscape, which allows public sculpture to harmoniously fit into the urban environment. The use of a methodological approach will allow us to manage creative activity in this area and make the right decisions regarding the ordering, financing and placement of public sculpture in public spaces of cities.