Problems and trends in the development of public spaces: Russian and foreign experience


Zazulya Vera Sergeevna


In modern world, the problems of formation of the quality urban environment are brought to the forefront in megalopolises, small cities, and urban localities. In the conditions of rapid urbanization and expanding urban population, the public spaces are becoming an important element of the city planning system, foundation for the formation of urban environment, reflection of the level of cultural and social life. The design of comfortable public urban spaces consists not only in the functional and technical nuances, which determine the components of this environment, but also in conceptual designation of the space. The tasks of comprehensive approach in creation and modernization of the new and existing public spaces gain priority. The article is dedicated to theoretical analysis of the problematic, patterns and relevant trends in formation and modernization of public urban spaces on the example of Russian and foreign experience. The analysis of this question allows formulating the key principles and conditions for formation and development of the efficient system of urban public spaces. The object of this article is the environment of public urban spaces under various urban planning conditions. The subject of this article is the peculiarities and trends in the formation of urban public spaces. The goal consists in determination of the factors, conditions, functions, specificity, and patterns that impact the formation of the environment of urban public spaces.


Aurora Group, s.r.o

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